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By Pat Louise

Roadside Trash Often Dumped In Town Of Columbia

Someone cleaned out a house. Someone came from Little Falls. Another person came from Burlington Flats.

All of these people accumulated piles of trash and garbage. And all of them chose to dump their debris along the roads in the Town of Columbia.

At last week’s Columbia Town Board meeting Highway Department Superintendent Mark Buddle said it’s a problem in the town. “I know it’s not just here,’’ he said. “We packed a small dump truck load pretty easily.’’

Buddle said information on the people dumping - who included material with their names and addresses - has been given to the Department of Environmental Conservation. Dumping trash is against the law.

Town Supervisor George Weiss said other towns provide a dumpster for people to bring their trash that doesn’t get taken on the weekly collection. Buddle said what his crew have cleaned up seems to be coming from outside the town.

In other business, it was mentioned seven building permits were issued in May. A few are for new houses and others for demolitions.

Buddle said Huxtable Road will be rototilled the week of July 17.

The Town continues to wait for reimbursement from the DEC for work done by the Highway Department on the new sand/salt building.

Laurie Whitney of Little Falls spoke about a group she is involved with, New York Citizens Audit. The group contends that it has done research of the 2020 elections…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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