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Kirkland Adopts Covid Rules For All Employees

By Zach Lewis

Covid-19 precautions because of the rise in Delta-variant cases was just one of many topics discussed at last Monday’s Town of Kirkland Board meeting.

The meeting started with the approval of a resolution to authorize Supervisor Bob Meelan to approve all bids from Auction International for the sale of the Clinton Arena’s tempered glass. The glass being put up for auction surrounded the indoor rink.

The next resolution to pass was the approval of this year’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant application.

“The Village of Clinton and Town of Kirkland are competing for a 2021 $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant from NYS,” according to the Clinton Chamber of Commerce website.

Meelan said the town had six weeks to get DRI paperwork together. The

application is due Sept. 15.

A budget resolution was next on the agenda to get approval from the board. This resolution was for the transfer of $50,000 to the Capital Fund for the Clinton Arena roof and the transfer of $50,000 from the 2018 Hockeyville Recreation Fund.

The money will be appropriated for the engineering, administration, legal and other miscellaneous costs as a result of the arena roof DASNY grant.

At last month’s board meeting, there was a budget resolution for the Arena floor repairs.

Next on the agenda was to hear from department…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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