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By Pat Louise

Winfield Considers 2nd Amendment Sanctuary

The Town of Winfield could become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary town if the community agrees.

At last week’s Town Board meeting Supervisor Bill Miller told the Board he would like to adopt the resolution to become a Sanctuary town.

The Board has asked residents to attend their March 13 meeting and offer input.

Miller said becoming a Sanctuary town protects residents if the governor wants to take their guns. Miller said this does not pertain to criminals and those deemed dangerous to have guns.

Board members Sue Korosec and Bob Royce said residents already have protection under the federal 2nd Amendment.

Korosec said she didn’t see how passing the resolution would stop anything.

Councilman Mike Peo said maybe the resolution was more symbolic; if all towns passed it, he said, it would send a message to the governor.

According to the website for 2nd Amendment Sanctuary, municipalities adopt formal resolutions either declaring support for Second Amendment rights or withhold support for the enforcement of gun laws.

Also during the evening the Board had its 2024 reorganizational meeting. Shane Laughlin was appointed Dog Control Officer.

Board members did not decide on a Parks Commissioner.

Someone had said he would do it, but complications arose because he also works for the Town.

Board members discussed how the employee could do the job as Commissioner while also working during the day for the Town.

The Commissioner is a flat fee stipend and the Town job is paid at an hourly rate.

Board members also said the position should be advertised before selecting someone.

Board members had ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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