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Winfield Board Looks At Misuse Of Park Facilities

By Pat Louise

As the Town of Winfield continues to make improvements to Winfield Memorial Park, they also have to contend with people misusing the facilities.

At last week’s Town Board meeting, Board members discussed some issues with the new bathrooms put in near the pavilion.

Councilmember Sue Korosec said she heard that at a recent gathering for a private event in the pavilion, people could not use the bathroom because the soap dispenser had been put in the toilet.

Council member Bob Royce said recently both women’s bathrooms were unusable because of the toilets being plugged.

Supervisor Bill Miller said it’s difficult to patrol the bathrooms all the time.

Park Commissioner Don Stockbridge checks them before a group uses the large pavilion and they are open for anyone using the park.

Security cameras are installed at the park.

Board members discussed repositioning them to better focus on the bathrooms.

After approving reports, abstracts and minutes, Miller reminded the Board about the Fall Family Festival Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Town Park.

It is sponsored by the Town and Village of West Winfield.

Miller said he met with the Town’s insurance agent, Dan Peo, to better understand the town’s coverage and policy.

Korosec said the cost for next year went up 10 percent; the Board discussed whether an umbrella policy was needed.

Trash Day is also set for Sept. 28 for town residents from 8 to 11 a.m.

It will include a shredder for documents and be across from the Town Barn.

Board members discussed the new truck for the Highway Department. Miller said it could arrive in the first quarter of 2025.

Codes Officer Mike Connors said he issued two permits in August.

Board members asked about RVs and campers put on private property as a place to live.

Connors said those are classified as motor vehicles and there is nothing in the town codes preventing that.

Korosec explained about a grant opportunity that could replace the small pavilion at the Town Park.

Board members agreed to have her pursue the grant.

Miller said the town received a letter from the West Winfield Ambulance Corp.

The agency said it cannot get...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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