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WCS Moves Closer To Banning Cell Phones

By Pat Louise

Waterville Central School District will implement a policy that creates a distraction free environment as the 2024-25 school year begins.

Details of the policy will be adopted at the WCS Board of Education meeting Aug. 27.

A draft reviewed at a special Board meeting last week addresses the problem of students using cell phones, smart watches and earbuds in class for non-instructional purposes.

WCS Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring went over the policy’s punishments for students who chose to break the rules.

A forum following the meeting included input from a superintendent whose school district took the same steps two years ago, including a pouch that locks the phone during the school day.

For students in grades sixth through 12th who are caught using their phones during the school day as a first offense, they will have it taken away until the end of the day, plus sit in lunch detention.

A second offense requires a parent to attend a meeting at the end of the day to have the phone returned, plus a two- hour after school detention without the phone available.

In addition, the second offense requires the student to bring their phone to the office for 30 days.

A third offense adds a two- hour detention session and requires the phone to be brought to the office for the remainder of the school year.

Board members Justin Barth and Kate Worwa, members of the committee that is putting together the policy, said giving out-of- school suspensions were ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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