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WCS Fitness Center Opens To Community

After 22 months closed, the Waterville Central School Fitness Center opened back up last week to the community.

WCS Business Administrator Tracy Leone said at last week’s WCS Board of Education meeting all the pieces finally fell in place to reopen with limited hours. Because of lack of staff, the Center will be open just one week night, Thursdays, along with two hours in the mornings Mondays through Fridays and on the weekends.

Expanded evening hours will come in January once more staff can be hired, Leone said. Students will have specific hours for their use as of Jan. 3.

Membership rates will remain the same for now, Leone said. Everyone in the Center has to wear a facemask the entire time while working out and in the school.

Board members approved Garry Johnson and Michelle Waufle to work in the Fitness Center, with Mark O’Brien as the coordinator.

The meeting took place with some members in attendance in the Bud Dorr Board room, others remote and a couple attending the elementary school concerts across the hall. Spring apologized for the scheduling conflict and said concerts would not take place on Tuesdays of board meetings again.

Memorial Park Principal Karen Hinderling gave a presentation before she attended the concerts, which were done in two stages to reduce the number of people in the auditorium. Hinderling talked about the activities of the Positivity Project, which included an outside visit to the nursing home, caroling and lunch with the Principal for students with positive referrals.

When visiting Waterville Residential Care Center, students set up birdfeeders they made. The MPS Student Council organized Spirit Days, which included Dress Like a Teacher Day; Hinderling showed a photo of the student who dressed like her.

A Pajama Day and Christmas Sweater Day were scheduled for this week.

WCS Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring said the search for a Spanish teacher at MPS yielded just one applicant, so more applications will be sought. Based on that, the start date for the program moved back to Sept. 1.

Board members approved Peter Cittadino as a long-term substitute as the MPS library specialist for the end of the school year.

Spring said work continues on building the structure for a…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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