If the Village of Waterville decides to allow hunting on village property on Upper White Street, the insurance costs for the village will increase.
Discussion at last week’s Village Board meeting continued on how the land should be used, specifically during the three months of hunting seasons. Over the last three years mountain bike trails have been added near the reservoir, which causes a conflict of use during daylight hours during hunting seasons.
Joe Misiaszek, who heads up the volunteer effort to create mountain bike trails to connect with the state lands bordering the property, said his opposition is not to hunting. Misiaszek said he has concerns with hunters who place their tree stands on the trails and near the water.
“Hunting can exist,’’ he said. “But we need regulations before September so everybody knows the rules.’’
Misiaszek said the trails and woods around them should be used by bikers, hikers, hunters and snowmobilers. The village, he said, has to decide what is the cooperative use of the land.
“Do you want it to be as it is or want it to turn into a park,’’ he said. “What’s the future?’’
Village Clerk Gayle Barnes said the village’s insurance company said if the village allows hunting it will…