The structure known in Waterville as the Firemen’s Pavilion might, actually, not belong to the firemen.
Or, at least not the land underneath it.
The Village of Waterville had a survey done of the area around the pavilion, which includes the Little League field and parking lot.
At last week’s Village Board meeting, Village officials said the survey says the pavilion is on land that is owned by the village.
Waterville Fire Chief Jarrod Waufle said the department’s documentation shows the village owns less of the property.
Waufle said the last land transaction the department has is of the ballfield being given to the Fire Department.
Department. But, Mayor Gene Ostrander said until shown otherwise, the village will assume it owns the pavilion.
Stephanie DiGiorgio, who was hired as the village’s attorney, said it looks like portions of the building on are land belonging to the fire department and village.
“It’s owned by two different people,’’ she said.
Ostrander said the village received complaints last year about the way the pavilion looks and its codes violations.
“We’re not looking to take your property,’’ he said, “but if you keep it, fix it.’’
Waufle said his personal choice would be to knock down the pavilion, but it was up to the entire department to decide.
DiGiorgio will take the next step and have a title search abstract done for the property.
The one-hour, 15 minute meeting opened with a hearing on the Village’s 2024-25 budget, with no comments.
The $1.6 million budget maintains the tax rate as it’s been for several years.
No one spoke at the hearing for the water and sewer rate changes.
Water bills will now be based on usage and all users will see a $5 per quarter increase in their sewer charges.
Twenty-seven banners will be put up along Main Street as part of the Hometown Heroes program honoring veterans.
Families purchased the banners, while the Village will buy the brackets at a cost of $70 per banner.
Bechy talked about the e- code book available through Oneida County.
He said it comes with maps and after the initial year to develop, can easily be updated. ...