The Village of Waterville will have public hearings at its next meeting to change details in two village laws.
At the June 13 meeting, one public hearing will adjust fees in permits needed under the Codes regulations. Additions to structures will have the permit based on square footage rather than the estimated cost of the project.
Cost of a demolition permit will go to $50. Pool permits will be divided into above and inground, with inground requiring more inspection so will have the higher cost.
Changes to the Garbage laws include requiring a lid on recycling bins. DPW Superintendent Jamie Bechy said on windy days recycling blows down the streets.
On Trash days, bagged trash needs to be put in rigid plastic containers. Bags now must be clear, including for construction debris, and not dark. Up to 50 pounds can be put in the two allowed containers.
A specific dimension will also define how much trash, including furniture and items that do not fit in the cans, will be allowed each Trash day per…