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Waterville Hears Update On Sangerfield

Town of Sangerfield Supervisor Bill Fredericks attended the Village of Waterville meeting last week to talk about what the town is up to.

Fredericks said he wanted to make it a regular habit to visit with village officials; he invited them to come to a town meeting sometime.

Fredericks and DPW Superintendent Jamie Bechy went over the schedule for the village to help install a water line in the town. Bechy said he was looking for a time when his crew was caught up with their work, and the weather had to cooperate.

Fredericks mentioned roads that the towns of Sangerfield and Marshall help each other plow for convenience. Sangerfield also plows the village.

Fredericks said the town updated its Codes laws to follow the state. The town is also updating its ordinances for commercial solar and wind projects.

That update, he said, separates the requirements of residential and commercial projects. Being added are rules for residential battery storage.

Fredericks said seven new windmills will be set up on Stone Road, with five in the Town of Madison and two in Sangerfield. These windmills will be over 600 feet tall.

He said a company in Colorado is interested in putting a solar farm on the corner of Gorton Lake Road.

The town’s new snowplow is being prepared for use.

In village matters, Bechy said last week the DPW workers were installing the new playground equipment…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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