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Waterville Hears Feedback

Waterville Village Board members received some views on changes to one set of regulations and for one being proposed.

Most of last week’s 90-minute meeting focused on two public hearings. The first one concerned a proposed signage law to regulate size, brightness and how long some, such as political signs, can stay up.

Two people expressed concerns that the proposed law goes too far in saying what commercial business owners can do. Once it was clarified that vinyl lettering in a window is considered temporary and not regulated, the two men said they felt better about the proposed regulations.

Board members chose to hold off on approving the regulations until their July meeting in order to update the laws.

Changes to the garbage and trash laws will place limits on how many bags of construction debris and furniture, such as a couch, can be put out for the monthly trash collection. People who put out too much will have to remove the extra and try again the next month.

Another change will request that residents use lids on their recycling containers. DPW Superintendent Jamie Bechy said on windy days recycling materials blow all over the streets.

One resident said he’s lost three lids to garbage cans after they were removed for dumping and then blew away. Bechy said the idea is to prevent problems. Village board members approved the changes.

Codes Officer Whitey Brown said he issued a summons to two properties for lawns that need mowing. The property owners had until last week to comply, or the Village DPW will do it and charge the property owners.

About 10 years ago the village set a price for mowing front lawns at $100. Board members increased that to $200.

Mayor Gene Ostrander said at the recent Big Creek Commission meeting it was learned only Waterville has an active project to address flooding. Work is being done to reroute the creek path behind Sanger Avenue.

Summer Concerts will be from 6-8 p.m. at the Village Bandstand in the park every Wednesday throughout the summer.

The lineup includes:

July 6 - Tweedlers

July 13 - Nick Piccininni

July 20 - Mojoto with Monk Rowe

July 27 - Matt Chase and Thunder Canyon

August 3 - Crushing Midnight w/Leslie Pasco

August 10 - Local Favorites

August 17 - Mark Barnes and Friends

August 24 - Paul Ryder

August 31 - Don Brown (Elivs)

Presented by Waterville First and the Village of Waterville.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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