The Richfield Springs Board of Education took time from their first January meeting to remember two people.
A moment of silence in honor of BOCES board president Michael Clements, and Superintendent mentor, Cliff Moses started the meeting.
Board members Scot Mondore and Tom Shypski and RS Superintendent Tom Piatti said a few words about each gentlemen and offered condolences to their families.
In his report Piatti said he is hopeful for an improvement with student attendance. He talked about the option of virtual learning if there is a shortage of snow days.
Piatti also gave an update on the Stewarts fence repair. He said a mascot change and community survey will be on the district website and Facebook page soon.
He gave a brief student mental health update.
Elementary Principal Dr. Rene Wilson talked about computer based testing, Pupil Personnel Services and the possibility of implementing a program called Niroga, to promote social-emotional well being for students.
Secondary Principal Matt St. Peter talked about computer based testing, January regents exams and a newly implemented pass system.
Board member Becky Marzeski congratulated Piatti on being selected as a recipient of the 2023 NYSCOSS/LEAF Annual Global Professional Development Scholarship.
Board member Brad Smith would like an inventory and cost breakdown of all mascot related changes to present to the state. Smith suggested a building project item for a sidewalk on the school’s front lawn.
He would like student presenters to send written invitations for guests to attend upcoming board meetings.
Shypski encouraged everyone to attend the virtual Capital Conference to advocate on behalf of the school community. He talked about concerns with attendance at SBI meetings since Covid and had frustration about the mascot changes by State Education Department.
Elementary Teacher Emma Boss said she agrees students should be…