A state grant through Sen. Rachel May’s office will assist the Village of Clinton in buying a new dump truck.
Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo and Board members discussed the procedure at their June meeting last week. First up will be putting out bids for the new vehicle.
Once the bid is accepted, the Village will purchase the truck. The grant calls for reimbursement after payment.
Also out to bid for the Village is paving work for lower Mulberry Street. The area between Utica and Kellogg roads will be done. Bids will be opened at the July meeting.
Board members accepted the plan for community engagement and education presented by the Clinton-Kirkland Climate Smart Communities Task Force. The committee will conduct workshops through the Kirkland Town Library and have a booth at the Clinton Farmers Market.
David Brigida, Mary Swinchatt and Sandy Scofield were all re-appointed to four-year terms as members of the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission. Corrine Gates was re-appointed as an alternate.
The report on the former Southwestern Oneida County landfill was given and that and other reports accepted.
Permission was given for a Hamilton College graduate to film portions of a movie at the fountain in the Village Green July 3.