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By Pat Louise

Teacher Leaders Improve Coordination At WCSD

Implementation of Teacher Leaders this year in the Waterville Central School District has improved the way teachers can work together.

Teacher Leaders, who were appointed for three years, spoke at last week’s WCS Board of Education meeting. They were all enthusiastic on how communication has been better among the teachers with curriculum in common.

WCS Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring began the program last summer. Teacher Leaders head up the group of teachers who all have a common subject, or at MPS, similar grade levels.

Spring said each month the Teacher Leaders meet with the Administration team and with their faculty groups. Katie Hansen, Director of Special Programs, coordinates with the leaders to funnel information to all the staff.

One of the factors that’s been identified at MPS through the new program is the need for a common planning time. Teachers would like to have more time with colleagues to coordinate lessons on similar topics.

Teacher Lisa Ferruci said teachers have been excited to work with students with the new reading series this year and look forward to next year’s new math series.

Junior-Senior High Technology teacher Rick Ripa said for his group, it’s been great support as they are all new. He outlined some of the new offerings for next year, including a robotics class and a competitive cooking class.

Math teacher Roseanne Kantor said their monthly meetings have helped the curriculum and also allowed teachers to get to know each other.

English teacher Liz Brennan said her group designed a Mission Statement to help keep their curriculum focused. She and Principal Jennifer Dainotto talked about the full participation in Junior High for the ELA state assessment tests this year.

Dainotto said students did simulations of the state test so they knew what to expect. Last year 23 students opted out.

Music teacher…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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