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Sangerfield Will Update Laws For Solar And Wind

The Town of Sangerfield will vote to adopt updated laws on solar and wind energy commercial systems.

At their January meeting, Board members introduced proposed Local Law No. B-2023, titled “A Local Law Regulating Solar Power and Energy Systems in the Town of Sangerfield. A copy is in the Town Clerk’s office for review by the public.

A public hearing is scheduled for Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall.

Also at that meeting the Board will have a second public hearing on whether to amend its laws on windmill energy systems.

Board members approved a contract with Clinton Vet for emergency care of dogs brought in by the Dog Control Officer.

The resignation of the Deputy Town Clerk was accepted.

Phil Barnes, Town Assessor, reported he is in the middle of doing his annual assessor’s training. At the training he learned about the new Fireman’s exemption. There will be further information coming on the amount of the exemption and changes from the old exemption.

Highway Superintendent Karl Buschor was not in attendance. Fredericks said Superintendent Buschor had reported to him the 2004 truck was not sold.

During the Reorganization meeting, the following appointments were made: Assessor’s Clerk-Gilbert Kemp; Dog Control officer- Beth Shanley and Michael Jones; Accountant- Patricia Furner Doughty; Historian- Mabel Bushee; Deputy Superintendent Highway- Keith Jones; Zoning/Codes Officer- Dan Ford; Registrar Vital Records- Mary S Belfield.

Board members looked at the town’s Code of Ethics and Procurement Policy and decided both need to be updated.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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