At their second August meeting, the Richfield Springs Board of Education adopted goals for the 2022-23 school year.
The following policies were approved:
Goal 1: Student Achievement: Increase academic achievement to ensure that all students will graduate.
Objective 1: RSCSD will maintain 100% of the students entering their senior year will graduate in June 2023.
Objective 2: Set target goals across all content areas for mastery (85% or higher) and proficiency (65%-84%). High school students will maintain or exceed a mastery rate of 40% and a minimum passing rate of 88% on all Regents exams and have the best rates in the HFHO BOCES.
Objective 3: All students in grades P-6 will achieve at least one year of growth in reading level during the 2022-23 school year.
Objective 4: The Richfield Springs school community will maintain its depth of knowledge and working understanding of digital citizenship, as well as expand the use of instructional technology in all classes and grade levels to deliver curriculum, meet the NYS learning standards and transform learning.
Goal 2: Student Engagement: Increase student engagement in all aspects of the RSCSD school community experience.
Objective 1: Implement research based best instructional practices to maximize student learning, including soft skills, life skills, and social emotional growth and development.
Objective 2: Continue to utilize and cultivate…