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Richfield Projects Heard By NY Forward Group

The Town of Richfield has 42 projects to consider for spending its New York Forward grant.

At a meeting last week of the Local Planning Committee, the 42 projects submitted were introduced in a quick summary of each.

Committee members and consultants did not discuss the merits of each or which ones are viewed as likely to receive funding.

The $4.5 million NY Forward grant won by the Town of Richfield did contain projects in its application.

However, all potential developers had to submit a proposal by the deadline.

Ben Syden, vice president of consulting group Laberge, said the goal is to make as many of the projects submitted as complete as possible.

He reiterated that the local committee does not choose the projects, but submits a list to the state of the most viable ones that also meet the goals of the community.

The list sent to the state later in the year will total about twice what the grant is, he said, to allow the state to choose.

In reviewing the projects the committee did approval expanding the boundaries of the Downtown Zone in the application.

This allows for consideration of the Community Center and a proposed bed and breakfast at Bella Vista.

The LPC plans to meet in executive session the week of Sept. 9 to review the projects and financial information submitted.

The next public meeting is Sept. 19 at Richfield Springs Central School, with a public workshop set for Oct. 3 from 4 to 8 p.m. to get feedback on the projects.

The projects fell under four categories: New Development, Branding and Marketing, Private and Public.

All total the requests were for $9.5 million of the grant for about $12.5 million in work.

New Development had the most projects submitted.

Public projects submitted includes making a gateway on Main Street, improvements for Spring Park and enhancement of Lake Street.

Private projects include ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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