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Richfield Awards Bid For Paving

West Winfield Star

At their May meeting, the Town of Richfield Board awarded the bid for paving streets this year.

The meeting opened with a 20-minute executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

Two sealed bids were received by the Town for the paving work. Barrett Paving’s total bid of $156,028 was the low bid and approved by the Board.

Work will be done on Cemetery Road ($59,239), Elm Street Extension ($54,895) and Hillside Drive ($41,893).

Clerk Maggie Young reported the 2022 tax collection has ended. The total amount collected $1,237,189. Total penalty collected $3,260, total postcard fees collected $137.

The Lake House Restaurant has sent notice to the Town of their Liquor License renewal.

Connie Jastremski spoke to the board regarding updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Supervisor Dan Sullivan attended a meeting with the County regarding updating Towns on the aspects of Shared Services EMS Plan that will go forward this year.

There is a possibility of revenue sharing for the program; more information to follow. Eighteen municipalities will vote on how the funds are distributed.

The Richfield Rotary Club has offered to host the St. Pauly Textiles clothing shed. They no longer wish to put the shed at the transfer station.

The wood stove at the transfer station was stolen over the weekend. The State Police are investigating the theft.

Councilman Ed Bello is still working to end the Town’s contract…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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