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Race Will Assist Vets Food Pantry

The FHHM District Order of the Eastern Star is sponsoring their fifth Annual 5K Run/Walk for Veterans at Winfield Town Park.

The event is Saturday, June 18 at 9 a.m. Registration runs 7:45 to 8:45 a.m.

Entry fee is $20 per person postmarked before June 11 or $25 after June 11 and on race day. The run is part of the Route 20 Road Challenge.

Local goodies for preregistered participants. Make checks out to GR Officers Assoc. 15th District OES NY and mail to: Susan Will, 357 Brace Road, West Winfield, NY 13491.

Preregistration may also be done at

All proceeds will go to Feed Our Vets Food Pantry in New York Mills. Non-perishable food items for the pantry will be accepted at the event.

Join us in our support of the brave men and women who defended our liberties.

Note: The bridge is closed on Route 20 at the park’s entrance but the park remains open and is accessible from the rear entry off Clapson Street.

For more information, contact Susan Will, Event Coordinator at 315-525-1381 or


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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