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OFFD Proposes New Fire Truck

A proposal for a new fire truck for the Oriskany Falls Fire Department was discussed at the Oriskany Falls Village Board meeting.

At the Feb. 22 meeting, Fire Commissioner Jim Dowd and Dale Petrie outlined the proposal to purchase a 2011 International Pierce Pumper/Rescue for $144,000 and sell vehicles 433 and 439. Currently the Fire Commissioners have $84,693 in the Fire Reserve Savings account and an additional $15,000 in this budget year to help with the expense, plus the Insurance Account has a balance of $4,384.

The total amount available to purchase the proposed truck is $104,077 plus the proceeds of the two trucks that would be sold. The next step is for three fire commissions to fly to Alabama to inspect the truck.

The Fire Commissioners will discuss if they would like to sell 433 and 439 on Auctions International with a minimum bid and have the bid close date be March 15. Clerk/Treasurer Amber Bell will contact Auction International to find out what is required.

The Village board voted to support the purchase of the new truck if the inspection proves it will be a good buy. Trustee Brian Bell asked Dowd about the alarm system they are looking for at the firehouse.

DPW Laborer/Water Operator Matthew Bowie requested a raise for…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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