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MPS Prize Speaking Contest

Students at Memorial Park School in Waterville participated in the elementary school’s annual Prize Speaking contest. First row: Kinsley Abbe, 1st place third grade; Emma Davie, 2nd place fourth grade; Timothy Wenzel, 3rd place fourth grade; Second row: Jadeyn Nichols, 2nd place fourth grade; Parker Dubach, 4th place fourth grade; Hayden Hoyte, 4th place sixth grade; Third row: Stella Kilts, 5th place fourth grade; Austin Abbe, 1st place fifth grade; Auren Ruane, 2nd place third grade; Fourth row: Helen Wilcox, 1st place sixth grade; Lanna Mueller, 3rd place sixth grade; Haydynn Ruane, 2nd place sixth grade. Advisor to the group was Karen Fox and the MPS PTA sponsored the prizes.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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