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More State Work To Do

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) spoke about the end of legislative session.

“The legislative session included some important accomplishments,’’ he said. “We were able to come to an agreement on a bill I cosponsored to help correct an oversight impacting Vernon Downs. This legislation will save 250 union and 40 non-union jobs as well as protect the economic activity and agricultural businesses the facility generates.’’

Miller said he was pleased to see school funding increase significantly by $2.6 billion and provide an additional $60 million for local roads. “Both are vital areas where the state needs to invest funds,” he said.

He said there remain areas of concern. “I have concerns over large spending with a budget that ballooned to $229 billion, which just contributes to growing our expenses. There are many questions left unanswered over how the so-called Clean Slate Act will work and how a change in local election years might impact voter participation,’’ Miller said.

“Much like every year, many questions remain and even more work was left unfinished.”


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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