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Madison Central Receives $1 Million

The Madison Central School District announced it has received a Student Mental Health Support Grant from the New York State Office of Mental Health.

The grant takes effect for the 2022-23 academic year and will provide the district with $1,050,054 over a five-year period.

This grant funding opportunity was obtained through a competitive application process. Districts were required to produce a plan to illustrate how they will utilize the funding in accordance with the following objectives:

Enhancing access to mental health services.

Implementing integrated mental health supports.

Strengthening partnerships with existing supports in mental health systems, as well as the larger child-serving system.

Within the plan, Districts had to include a budget narrative, a staffing plan and an itemized budget overview that accounted for the requested funds.

The District will utilize the new funding to enhance several key initiatives. Some examples:

*Strengthening their existing mental health partnerships with ICAN (Integrated Community Alternatives Network)

*Support for community events hosted by the District

*Guest speakers specializing in topics with a mental health focus, such as bullying and mindfulness.

*Enhancing and developing the District’s commitment to the RULER Approach for Social and Emotional Learning. (An evidence-based SEL approach developed by Yale University’s Center for Emotional Intelligence)

Madison Central School…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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