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By Pat Louise

Low Road Repair Cost Is Approved

The Sangerfield Town Board approved repairs to Loomis Road with a bid the town’s Highway Superintendent said was the lowest he’s ever seen.

At last week’s remote Town Board meeting, Highway Superintendent Karl Buschor told the Board he received a price of just over $93,000 to pave the road from Hanson. A few years ago when the town sought a price for replacing the blacktop, the cost was $126,000.

Buschor said the reason for the low price to do just over a mile of the road comes if the town approved it as an early spring project. Waiting, he said, could bring the cost up.

Buschor said he’s never seen an estimate for a mile of blacktopping come in under $100,000. Comparing this year’s bid with the one a few years ago, asphalt - which uses oil, a commodity that has been underused during the pandemic - comes in at $53 a ton compared to $70 a ton.

The Highway Department took care of the culvert work and the road just needs to be swept to be ready for blacktop, Buschor said.

Board members discussed their options during the 75-minute meeting. Town Supervisor Jeff Reynolds said Sangerfield has budgeted for...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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