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Local Roots Define Syracuse Company

As president of his company, Andrew Zombek can easily rattle off what his business does.

“We give back to the community. We care about people, those who work for us and those we work for.

We make a difference, a positive one, in all that we do,’’ Zombek said.

Oh, yes, Martin-Zombek is also a construction company, one that recently completed a $40 million reconstruction project for housing in Rome with The Colonial II project.

Andrew Zombek will quickly explain he goes by Andy, and a couple of minutes later, that he actually answers more to Slim.

With that comes the story of how as a teenager, his brothers decided he needed a nickname.

They picked Slim after a Western the boys were watching on television at the time. In the way of brothers, they made it stick.

Zombek grew up in Deansboro on a farm.

His mom, Mary Ellen, is the daughter of the late Katie Peck, whose children blessed her with almost 50 grandchildren and about as many, or more, great- grandchildren.

Zombek is one of Katie’s grandsons. So is Shannon Ruane, the Operations Manager for MZ Construction, whose headquarters is in East Syracuse.

Ruane joined the company about nine months ago, saying he came to a place in his professional life where he needed to find a purpose again. His cousin gave him that chance.

Working on the Zombek farm with his cousin, Ruane rode on the left fender when Slim drove the tractor.

“That’s where you want the person you trust the most to help you out,’’ Zombek said.

Ruane’s task at MZ is to take care of the people at MZ.

Good health and wellness, Ruane said, are essential to MZ employees doing the best they can at their jobs.

“Wellness starts mentally,’’ he said.

“Sometimes it’s just taking time to have a conversation, to listen. We find something in common. Relating to people is showing you care about them,’’ Ruane said. ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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