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Grants Assist Two Local Libraries

The Kirkland Town Library and the Waterville Public Library recently received funds from the Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties’ Library Grant Round to support programming in their communities.

The KTL received $2,500 to purchase sustainable furniture for their outdoor deck. According to the KTL Director Anne M. Debraggio, “Two tables with chairs, three benches, a glider (ideal for parents or caretakers reading to children) would allow for this wonderful space to extend our programs beyond our walls, while remaining within the library.”

Last August, the Library built an outdoor deck to expand programming space. The space will also be available for community groups who routinely use the library for meetings.

The WPL received $2,323 for a Creative Media Lab for the community. The space will offer the opportunity to learn and utilize the potential…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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