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By Pat Louise

Geothermal Wells Provide WCS’s Main Power Source

About halfway into last week’s Waterville Board of Education meeting, Board member Linda Hughes Kelly put on her jacket.

The air conditioning in the Bud Dorr Board of Education Room last Tuesday night pumped out cool air at a pace that made it a bit chilly in the room. That cooling system doing such a great job came from the District’s new geothermal wells now in operation.

Business Administrator Tracy Leone said the geothermal wells are now the District’s primary source for air conditioning at the moment, and will be for heat once needed later in the year. The wells, long discussed as a way to save on utility costs, were approved by voters in the last Capital Project.

That project, which also included a new turf field for Brothertown Stadium, roofing and window replacements, is about 90 percent done, Leone told the Board. Final work is being done over the next weeks.

Construction workers will remain onsite at Memorial Park School this summer for another project done through the state’s Smart Bond grant. A bathroom will be built to be…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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