The Village of Oriskany Falls Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on the 2018 Community Development Block Grant last month.
Twelve projects are completed and a new homeowner was approved at their monthly meeting that followed.
Fire Commissioner Dale Petrie was present to give a report for the month. He informed the Board of the North Road Project, radio/forestry grant update for radios, lights for the truck, and looking into getting backup cameras for the tankers.
Trustee Brian Bell discussed the electric problem at the Valley Road Water Plant. He suggested having an electrician look at the draw for the generators, because maybe service is undersized.
Bell also informed the board that a tree is growing into the service line at the DPW Garage. clerk/Treasurer Amber Bell will call NYSEG to remove it.
Power Generation performed an annual preventative maintenance inspection Oct. 9 and submitted a new three-year Preventative Service Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $1,060.55.
NYMIR has provided training for Sexual Harassment. Village employees had their training Oct. 23 and the Board will do their training…