Current and former residents as well as all who share an interest in the history of Unadilla Forks are invited to the 48th Gathering of Friends of the Forks.
The reunion is Saturday, Sept. 9 at 11:30 a.m. in the Unadilla Forks Firemen’s Field Community Hall, 121 County Highway 18A.
Bring a dish to pass and table service. Coffee, tea and lemonade will be provided.
Come and share good food, meet your neighbors, make new friends and visit with old friends. Share your memories, pictures, items and times about life in the “Forks”.
If you are unable to attend, we would like to hear from you and we will share your greetings. Please consider a donation if you cannot attend.
Questions, contact Sheri Feldman at or 315-292-0548 (leave message or text) or Linda Ingber, or 315-855-4143.