At the July meeting of the Oriskany Falls Village Board, the Board heard several topics related to the Oriskany Falls Fire Department.
Fire Commissioners Jim Dowd and Dale Petrie discussed the Civil Service requirements for a FEMA grant, that the fire siren is offline and the department is working on fixing it and that there is an AED at Maple Avenue Park.
They also thanked Mayor Steve Jeffers and Trustee Brian Bell for going to the OSHA Fire Meeting in Clinton.
The state DEC SPEDES Inspection requirement from March states the Village needed to submit a Flow Management Plan to the Water Engineer by Aug. 1.
The Village has asked for an extension. Engineer Jack Dodson has been contacted to help with the plan.
Through the Oneida County Main Street grant reimbursement has been received for the gazebo, sidewalk and signs.
The next project approved through the Main Street Grant, in coordination with the Edward S. Barton, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee Grant, is to install new park equipment at Douglass Park and resurface the basketball court in the amount of $62,615. ...