Town of Columbia residents can offer feedback and ask questions about the proposed updated Solar Law in the town.
Board members last week scheduled the public hearing for Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m. It will come 30 minutes after the monthly board meeting starts.
Prior to the hearing the law is available on the town’s website.
A committee of residents led by Councilman H. Ed Reed reviewed the town’s current regulations and based on changes in commercial solar energy farms, updated with current information.
Supervisor Nathan Seamon said the Herkimer County Planning Board made minor recommendations, which were included in the proposed law.
In other matters at the meeting Highway Superintendent Mark Buddle said the town netted $2,177 on Trash Day.
The department bought a new air compressor for $2,300, offset by the $400 gained by selling the old one.
Work has begun on culverts with dirt roads scheduled for this week. Mowing has started.
The department will be closed the week of July 1.
Town Clerk Therese Winchester said the new office hours are working well on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ...