The new chief operating officer for Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corp said one of his first duties is to put rumors to rest.
“We are not changing,’’ Tom Meyers told the Waterville Village Board last week. “We will continue to operate out of Oriskany Falls. I am here to assure everyone COCVAC is still here.’’
Meyers said the agency stationed in Clark Mills will continue to staff its substation in the renovated area of Oriskany Falls Village Hall during the week. As of now, Meyers said a staffing situation requires the crew to work out of Clark Mills on the weekends.
He said he addressed the matter at the Oriskany Falls Village Board meeting earlier in June. Meyers said the rumor seems to stem from an ex-employee giving false information.
In other matters from the almost two-hour meeting, Village Board members received a proposal for $1,500 for the vacant lot on Berrill Avenue. The proposal is for a small house to be built on the lot.
Village Attorney Bill Getman will inform the other person interested in the parcel, who put in an offer for $500. That person will have a chance to offer more than $1,500. If so, the person proposing to build the house will get a chance to increase his offer.
DPW Superintendent Jamie Bechy said the Barton Trust Fund will provide $75,000 toward the purchase of a new sweeper. Adding in what has been budgeted and trade-in for the old one, Bechy said the village needs to finance the remaining $86,000.
Board members approved doing so over five years at an interest rate of 2.25 percent.
A meeting that included the Town of Marshall and Oneida County discussed cleaning debris out of Big Creek along Route 315. Bechy said work is permitted between May and September, so not much if anything will happen this year.
Trees that have fallen in the creek are slowing the water down, Bechy said, which helps.
The new blower at the Wastewater Treatment Plant is in operation and is a lot quieter, Bechy said. Next month a tank will be taken out of service for renovations until Aug. 30.
Bechy said a visit he made to Waterville Junior-Senior High School revealed that a fire hydrant was being used to fill the geothermal wells. Bechy said the department started looking for a water leak after 130,000 gallons more than normal was used in May…