Effective Aug. 1, Sangerfield Town Board member Jeff Reynolds will begin to serve as acting Supervisor.
He has been the Deputy Supervisor and will fill the vacancy created with the resignation of Supervisor Lorena Lenard. Reynolds will serve as Acting Supervisor through Dec. 31.
In November a General Election will determine who will take office for a one-year term ending Dec. 31, 2021, which is the remainder of Lenard’s four-year term.
Reynolds said state law provides that a vacancy occurring by resignation before three months prior to the next regular election must be filled at that election.
In November 2021, a full four-year term for supervisor will be on the ballot.
Should Reynolds run and be elected Supervisor this November, he will need to resign his Council seat. The board can then fill the vacancy by appointment for the remaining year of his Council term ending Dec 31, 2021.