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Hamilton President Named To Council

Hamilton College President David Wippman, who has taught and written on international law and human rights throughout his career, has been named to the Advisory Council of Refugees International.

The council, according to Refugees International, includes “many of America’s most distinguished former diplomats and national security officials, prominent international figures involved in human rights and humanitarian issues, and refugees and former refugees who are engaged in humanitarian policy issues.”

The group was formed last year to provide guidance and advice to the Refugees International staff and its board of directors.

“I am honored to have been asked to join the council, and I look forward to working with its distinguished members,” Wippman said. “I hope my experience in international law and human rights, and Hamilton College’s close proximity to a major refugee resettlement area in Utica, N.Y., will help advance the council and its mission.”

Wippman became Hamilton’s 20th president July 1, 2016. He is the former dean of the University of Minnesota Law School, where he had the lead role in establishing the Center for New Americans.

He served as a director in the Office of Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council during 1998-99 and was vice provost for international relations at Cornell University from 2004 to 2008.

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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