Area municipalities met to discuss options for finding Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corp a new place to put their crew in Deansboro.
Waterville Village Trustee Laurie Fuess and Sangerfield Town Councilman Jeff Reynolds reported on the meeting at last week’s Village Board meeting. They, along with representatives from Marshall, Augusta and Oriskany Falls, met earlier with COCVAC administrators, including board member Oneida County Legislator Colin Idzi.
Since taking over emergency medical calls in southern Oneida County and North Brookfield, COCVAC’s crew has been staying in a construction trailer in Deansboro near the Town Highway garage.
At the meeting, Fuess and Reynolds said, it was learned that the trailer is not safe and another place needs to be found, with COCVAC preferring to have something put on the same site.
Before solutions can be fully explored, the status of a grant the Town of Marshall received a couple of years ago for this needs to be cleared up. The town is uncertain if the grant is still available, and if so, whether it can be modified for a new facility.
One option offered by COCVAC, Fuess said, is...