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Winfield Starts Process For Buying New Truck

The Town of Winfield Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution to accept the General Fund Claims and the Highway Fund Claims.

The Board approved a resolution approving the Supervisor's and Clerk's reports.

The Board approved a resolution approving the Feb. 15 Board meeting minutes.

Town of Winfield Supervisor Budd Osborn said he contacted EDF Renewables Project Developer Josh Bennett for a discussion on the company’s project, however Bennett could not attend the meeting. EDF is proposing a 2,200-acre commercial solar energy and battery storage north of the town, mainly in Columbia. Some land has been leased by EDF in Winfield.

The Board approved a resolution to accept the Court Audit with no discrepancies.

Specs for a Highway Supervisor's pick-up truck were submitted to the Board. The Board approved a resolution to begin the purchasing process for the truck costing…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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