Over the next weeks the Times will summarize some of the highlights of each of the last 150 years since Waterville Central School District was formally centralized.
The District will have a formal recognition of the centralization of WCS Thursday, May 16 at 9:30 a.m. in Brothertown Stadium.
All alumni and community members are invited.
The Times gives grateful thanks to the Waterville Historical Society for opening up its collection of Academic Unions for the last 150 years.
The Academic Union is the oldest continously published school yearbook in the United States, having begun in 1874.
1905: Twelve students graduated. The Academic Union had its first female editor-in-chief, Sarah Ruane.
1906: Ten students graduated. The yearbook included a photo of the Banjo,
Mandolin and Guitar Club recently started.
1907: Ten students graduated. Seniors listed beer and hard cider among their favorite drinks.
1908: Ten students graduated, including three students who skipped eighth grade to join the Class of 1908.
1909: Eight students graduated. The Academic Union had a tribute to classmate Irene Condon who died after getting the measles.
1910: Eight students graduated. This was the first year for the Boys Glee Club and the second year for the Girls.
1911: Eleven students graduated. A school garden was started near the Methodist Church on land donated by Mrs. I.D. Brainard.
1912: Twelve students graduated. All of them were female, leading to Ruth Coggeshall becoming the first girl to be senior class president.
1913: Ten students graduated. The District celebrated the Centennial of Waterville starting a public school in 1813.
1914: Ten students graduated. Florence Brooks, a junior, won the schoolwide spelling bee. Every graduate was taught to learn a trade. This was the first class to wear caps and gowns at graduation.
1915: Sixteen students graduated. The Junior Class won the debate vs. the Senior Class on ‘Should the US adhere to the Monroe Doctrine?’
1916: Seven students graduated. The High School added shorthand, history and bookkeeping to its curriculum.
1917: Eleven students graduated. Seniors listed their ages from 4 to 50.
1918: Eight students graduated. Future occupations of seniors included selling drugs and being an opium fiend. ...