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WCS FFA Students Compete In District 5

Eleven Waterville FFA members competed in the District 5 Leadership Development Events at Mount Markham High School.

Spencer Steinmann competed in Junior People in Agriculture, Allyson Ford competed in Prepared Speaking and Austin Florenz competed in Junior Creed Speaking. Kassidy Steinmann and Jesse Jandreau both competed in Employment Skills.

The following members qualified to move on to the Sub-State Competition March 18. Cooper Patterson and Olivia Ford will compete in Senior Creed Speaking; McKenna Furner in Extemporaneous Speaking and the Agricultural Issues team consisting of Natalee Collins, Dalton Eisenhut, Jesse Jandreau and Amanda Legacy.

The FFA members also thank three members of their Agriculture Advisory Committee who volunteered as judges: Jennifer Collins (Herkimer 4-H educator), Glen Osterhout (retired Ag teacher) and Carin Zwahlen (Farm Credit East).

Waterville FFA Officers Amanda Legacy and Kassidy Steinmann were two of 126 elite students selected to travel to the state Capitol to participate in the NY FFA State Leaders Experience.

While there, they participated in workshops to learn about government, the legislative process and how to engage with elected officials about their experiences in agricultural education. They engaged in a question…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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