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By Janet Dangler

Veterans Sign, Banners Going Up In Marshall

The June meeting of the Marshall Town Board opened with a moment of silence for the memory of Kurt Schachtler and Jim Boersma.

Both gentlemen served on the Town Council for many years.

Supervisor Colleen Baldwin then called for guests at the meeting to speak.

The first was Norman Deep, counselor for Eric Schachtler.

He gave to attorney Bill Schmitt the response to the Board’s letter regarding the zone change Schachtler requested.

Schmitt will examine the response and turn it over to the Planning Board.

Next was Dave Adams of Clinton.

He is president of the local CNY Snow Travelers Snowmobile Club.

They are looking for somewhere the groomers and other equipment can be stored which is convenient to the Marshall Hike and Bike Trail and the Kirkland Trail.

He requested the use of the cold storage barn in the Highway Department complex.

It was recommended that the club get a proposal together for the Town Board to review.

VanHyning Road resident Doreen Falin said a temporary structure on Dan Williams’’ property now has permanent metal-clad walls.

Codes Enforcement Officer Gary Schreppel said he will check that out.

That brought up a flurry of comments from Williams’ neighbors on VanHyning Road concerning the activities on the property.

They said it appears he is converting the barn on the corner of VanHyning Road and Brothertown Road to a clubhouse in addition to building cabins.

Schmitt reminded those in attendance at the meeting that the Zoning Board of Appeals’ former ruling was declared null and void as a condition of litigation brought forth by Williams.

Going forward, Williams has to apply for a zoning permit on any change in the use of the property.

Planning Board chairman Dante Ruia said at the meeting ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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