The June board meeting for the Town of Litchfield was called to order by Supervisor Jim Entwistle.
Codes Officer Ray Donley advised he is on permit number ten. Permits approved were for three garages, two porches, one shed and one pool.
He has received a complaint regarding a property on Goodier Road with several unregistered vehicles and general junk in the yard. Donley advised he would send the owner a letter.
Donley also advised he is doing his yearly training online this year.
Town attorney Chris Bray asked Donley to reach out to Jake Rasbach to clarify codes violations. Donley advised he will meet with him.
Minutes from the April 11 board meeting and May 4 special meeting were approved. Minutes from the May 10 regular board meeting were approved with corrections.
Entwistle advised a letter was received from NYMIR discussing the 2022 fire insurance losses, which exceeded $12 million in 2022. It stated master battery disconnect must be a practice every municipality follows as some of the fires were started because of batteries in the equipment.
NYMIR will now require written notification of the use of battery disconnect devices.
Trash Day took place May 13 with over 90 people participating. There were a lot of electronics recycled. Wheelock Sanitation was onsite and collected the…