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Teacher Burnout A Concern

Much of last week’s Brookfield Board of Education meeting centered around why several longtime teachers have taken jobs elsewhere this summer.

A few teachers left before the 2021-22 school year ended, and Board members approved two more resignations at the meeting. Earlier that day, Science teacher Jona Snyder announced he was taking a new opportunity in the Stockbridge Valley district.

Seven members of the community attended the meeting to say they were concerned about losing teachers who cared about the kids beyond academics. People said their children wondered who will provide support and mentoring as did the teachers who have left.

Interim Superintendent Jim Plows said he has given the matter a lot of thought and self-examination since the first teacher left earlier this year. While school districts around the country are experiencing the same loss of veteran teachers, Plows said BCS takes the matter seriously.

Plows said in exit interviews with departing teachers, the main reason is burnout and fatigue from the two years of the pandemic. Brookfield, he said, being a small school with a close relationship with faculty, students and the community, struggled when students were educated virtually for a year.

“The sense of community that defines Brookfield was missing,’’ Plows said. “We couldn’t return to normal activities till Jan. 20 of this year.’’

Teachers said they were leaving to try something new to regain their enthusiasm for the profession, Plows said. One teacher also said the hour-long commute each way became a problem, and another left to be closer to family.

Only one, Plows said, cited money as a reason. The new job will pay the teacher almost $10,000 more…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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