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Summer Program A Success For Mt. Markham Students

By Anthony Gannon

The Mount Markham School Board met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

Co-President of the Greater Winfield Historical Society Gene Doremus spoke with the Board about his involvement with the Gutenberg Project in digitally restoring the archive of the West Winfield Star online. Copies of Stars as well as other famous documents and books are available through the Mount Markham School District Library server.

Doremus also announced the Sept. 11 American Legion Memorial Service will be on the Village Green with Mount Markham student Riley Jones as a guest speaker, with a dramatic reading by the MM Drama Club included.

Mt. Markham Guidance Counselor Jeff Parow gave a presentation about his professional responsibilities and coordinated plan for student educational development. Parow demonstrated an acute awareness for his profession.

He provided several examples of how the Guidance Department works with students to provide them the best path towards their chosen field.

Several members of the Board asked Parow about specific adverse situations a student may encounter and how the Guidance Department would respond to keep the student on a graduating path. Parow answered with various possible outcomes for students and the set of diplomas available for students even if they don't achieve to a particular academic level.

The Board thanked Parow for his indepth responses and for giving the Board extra confidence about student development.

Mt. Markham Superintendent Joe D'Apice played a slideshow presentation from Summer Program students showcasing elementary school students learning to work with green screens as well as photos from a trip to the zoo. D'Apice said the Summer School enrollment was about 10 percent across the District with most students from the Elementary and High Schools.

D'Apice said the program was a success. "We had zero cases, zero quarantines, zero issues, and masks were not mandated."

The Board of Education scheduled a mini-retreat for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 21. Board meetings will continue to be in the Middle School cafeteria.

D'Apice relayed a message on Parents Square about mask requirements. "We don't know what we're doing about masks because there's no state guidance yet," D'Apice said. "We're looking at multiple plans and we'll see what happens."

D'Apice said he, Transportation director Craig Manderville, and Business Administrator Lou D'Ambro met to discuss solving the problem of finding drivers. The district is offering a $5,000 sign-on bonus for a two-year commitment.

A $1,000 finder's fee is being offered to any district employee who finds a successful driver. A perfect attendance bonus is being offered to drivers. Every 30 consecutive school days leads to a $600 bonus.

Increased pay for Bus Aides is also available. D'Apice said those are the ideas settled on for now and other solutions are still in consideration.

D'Apice gave a presentation about the MMCSD Goals…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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