The Village of Clinton Board met Monday night to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution to open the public hearing on the Draft Stormwater Annual Report. The Board approved a resolution to accept the minutes of the Annual Meeting.
The Board approved a resolution to accept the April 3 Regular Meeting minutes. The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of vouchers.
Board member John Lauchert said the Finance Committee met the previous week and discussed some benefit-related issues and reviewed statements, saying "There was nothing of material nature to be pointed out."
The Board approved a resolution to dispense the reading of the department reports.
Village of Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo said she has distributed the Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local Planning Committee list of members, saying the Department of State vetted the names and the list is their choices.
Tantillo went through the next several steps in the DRI process and said people are excited to see where the project will go. Tantillo said the next step in the Master Plan is to put work into the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
No members of the public wished to speak on the Draft Stormwater Annual Report. The Board approved a resolution to close the public hearing on the Draft Stormwater Annual Report.
The Board approved a resolution to adopt Local Law No. 1 of 2023 - adoption pursuant to subdivision 5 of the General Municipal Law so as to permit trustees to adopt a budget for the fiscal year commencing…