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Special Day Set By Kirkland

The Town of Kirkland Board met Wednesday evening and honored three residents with a moment of silence.

Town of Kirkland Supervisor Bob Meelan held a moment of silence for David Burns, Teresa Nolan and Dan Melie. Meelan read a proclamation honoring David Burns and his work for the Town of Kirkland. A day of honor for Burns is scheduled for May 3.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the September meeting minutes into Town record.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the resignations of part-time police officers Joshua Hanrahan and Brittany Pohoresky.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing Meelan to rebid the Arena Floor Replacement Project.

The Board approved a resolution reappropriating funds from the sale of Highway Department equipment for the purchase of new equipment. Meelan said $76,200 in reappropriated funds would be designated.

The Board approved a resolution accepting…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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