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Solar Signs Almost Up

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of bills.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the January meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Treasurer's report. A budget meeting is scheduled for Feb. 19 at 6 p.m. at Bisby Hall.

There are no leaks currently in the water system. The doors on the pump house were expected to be installed last week.

The solar radar speed signs have arrived and the process of installing and programming them is expected soon with good weather.

Codes Officer Mike Connors reported no new permits.

Five or six apartment inspections have been completed and he's waiting on others to schedule times for inspection.

Business inspections are going well.

The West Winfield Fire Department answered seven Fire/MVA calls and 38 EMS calls in January. Six EMS calls were not covered with three being out of service and three during night hours without a crew.

A grant for new turn-out gear is being written.

The new air-packs have arrived and are in service.

Some work being done to repair a part of Bisby Hall and new flooring will be installed.

Boardmember Carl Wheat reported budgets and a work plan were submitted for review with MVEDD for the Clean Energy Community Program.

The Clean Energy Committee is searching for volunteers for a steering committee to help with the direction of the clean energy project.

Any community members interested in working with the Village on the comprehensive plan are invited to the next Village of West Winfield Board meeting March 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Bisby Hall.

The planning representative from MVEDD will be present to answer any questions.

Village of West Winfield Mayor Sandy Smith quoted Governor Hochul, who said, "In order to qualify for the New York Direct and Revitalization grant, the community will have to be designated a pro-housing community."

Communities ...


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The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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