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Solar Project Discussed

The Town of Kirkland Planning Board met Monday evening to discuss the Kirkland Solar Facilities Project on on Clinton Road.

Atlas Renewables LLC representative John Watson said, "The application was deemed complete at the last meeting. There was a request for four binders of information.

One binder has been put in the Kirkland Town Library for people to view.

“The Department of Transportation commented they are not opposed to the project, and reminded the project to abide by driveway standards and permits," he said.

The next step of the project is SEQR coordination and review before a public hearing.

The Board held a short discussion about naming the Town Planning Board the lead agency, and the best time of mutual convenience to schedule the public hearing.

The Board held a short discussion about contacting other agencies for any reservations about the project.

A resolution to name the Planning Board the lead agency of the project will be voted for approval at the next PB meeting in February.

The Public Hearing is scheduled for March 25.

Planning Board Chair Edward Kaido talked about an article in the Utica Observer- Dispatch on the project, highlighting comments mentioned regarding the flood plain and deforesting.

Boardmember John Hecklau asked Watson questions about inconsistencies he found with the project and questions for specifications on the type of fencing to be installed and the tree clearing requirements.

Property owner Jim Brock said the long-term plan of the project is to "develop and connect a trail system from New Hartford to Clinton.’’

Brock stated he would not be available to attend the Public Hearing March 25, but would be happy to submit a letter on behalf of the landowner.

Kaido said, "I don't see any problem with that. The point of the Public Hearing is to hear from the public."

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Feb. 26.

The Town of Kirkland Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution approving the Jan. 2 organizational and regular meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing Deputy Supervisor Garry Colarusso to sign the 2024 KAC ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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