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By Anthony Gannon

Solar Farm Approved

The Town of Kirkland Planning Board approved plans for a solar farm on Kirkland Avenue.

Board members met for 15 minutes last week in a special meeting with the only item to review answers given by applicant Summit Solar Capital and landowner Kenneth Wieder. Planning Board Chairman Edward Kaido explained to the dozen people at the meeting it was not a public hearing with comments being taken.

Board members voted 5-0 on the areas that needed answering, including the environmental review and other conditions.

Next up the applicants need to request a Special Use Permit from the town’s Zoning Board of Appeals.

Planning Board member John Hecklau said the revisions reflect the conditions the Board requested after talking with the applicant, saying the agreement was protective of the town and neighborhood.

After the approval was given Hecklau did address those who attended. “We listened to the concerns you had and asked the applicant to address those,’’ he said.

“We did our research. I’ve been on the board for 30 years and this is the longest time we’ve spent on one resolution. It is protective of the town,’’ Hecklau said.

The project, on the west side of Kirkland Avenue, will be within a 64-acre site. The Planning Board began working with the developer in the spring.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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