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West Winfield Star

RS Central School

At their first October Board of Education meeting the Richfield Springs BOE congratulated newly tenured teachers.

RS Superintendent Tom Piatti talked about new community service opportunities such as The Walking School bus. Piatti also said he is hopeful for the development of job opportunities from the new Micron plant.

Elementary Principal Dr. Rene Wilson talked about the theme for the school year being The Energy Bus and the recent Energy Bus assembly.

Secondary Principal Matt St. Peter thanked Samantha Seamon and the staff for coordinating a successful Homecoming. He talked about Senior recognition and “Drive Your Tractor to School Day.

St. Peter said he has implemented a random act of kindness incentive card system. He talked about the timeline for implementing computer based state testing.

St. Peter also gave a brief update on fall sports.

Board members said they were happy to hear that the BOCES capital project passed. They also said they were happy to hear about the new ideas in the District.

A Memorandum of Agreement between the District and the Richfield Springs Faculty Association regarding Athletics and Extracurricular stipends was approved.

Laura Trier was hired as an Elementary teacher. Amber Sheldrick was hired as a Teacher Aide.

Piatti said due to increasing game scheduling conflicts and sportsmanship concerns, he would like to consider returning to the Section III athletic league.

A lengthy discussion ensued. The board agreed to have St. Peter inquire about the process.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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