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Ribbon Cutting at Mount Markham Central School District

The Mount Markham Central School District hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Mount Markham Connected Community Schools last week.

The ceremony opened with the National Anthem, sung by Mount Markham High School student Mia Walker. Superintendent Joseph D’Apice and Middle School Principal Sean Carone spoke about the new program.

“The Mount Markham Central School District is proud to partner with this amazing organization and believes this initiative will have a profound impact on the social, emotional and physical well-being of students and families, at school and in the community,” D’Apice said.

Executive director for Connected Community Schools Melissa Roys spoke about the program, as well as her personal ties to the Mount Markham Central School District. “I love Mount Markham,” Roys said. “I was thrilled to think of having Mount Markham be a connected school because I had family that grew up here.”

Connected Community Schools brings together the school and community with various services, agencies, businesses, organizations and other groups and individuals to ensure that students are receiving all the assistance that they need to succeed.

Assemblymen Brian Miller and John Salka stressed the importance of strong ties between local schools and the community.

The Mt. Markham Board of Education met Tuesday night to discuss new business.

MMBOE Vice President Cynthia Miller spoke to those in attendance to begin the meeting, saying, "Thank you for the support. It's been a long road back and I'm very pleased to be here," Miller said. "Thank you for doing such a wonderful job while I was away. I brought cake and we're celebrating three birthdays tonight."

MMCSD Superintendent Joe D'Apice did a short review of the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan. The DCIP's approval is scheduled…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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