The Mount Markham Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.
The meeting began with a recap of the French Club's year from French Club Advisor and High School French Teacher Ann Bouthillier. Thirty-five MM French students participated in the Van Gogh Experience, visited the French Bakery La Maison Blanche in Norwich, and went to see the film Cyrano de Bergerac.
Bouthillier talked to the Board of Education about a trip to Quebec the club is planning for February. Bouthillier went through the tentative itinerary of the trip. The deadline for registration and deposit is Oct. 1 with the final payment expected Dec. 13. Bouthillier then talked about a trip to Paris for the French Club in March 2024.
High School Principal Victor Zampetti spoke to the Board about the 2021-2022 Testing Data Review for Mt. Markham students. Mt. Markham placed in the top 3 in the region for Mastery of Global, Earth Science, Living Environment, and Physics. MM placed in the top 3 in the region in proficiency for Earth Science and Physics, and placed first in master of Global and Earth Science.
Zampetti reported changes for the school district this upcoming school year.
There's a new academic support policy for ineligible students. A late policy and academic integrity policy are being added to the syllabi.
More academic support rooms are being set up and a lunch time classroom will be available for students to complete work.
The graduation rate increased to 97 percent for 2022. Sixty-five percent of students are entering a four-year or two-year college and 31 percent are starting their employment careers.
A presentation on the Elementary School Summer Program, The Science of Reading, and The Reading League was given. Summer Program enrollment was up 31 percent to 124 students.
The Summer Program took part in several field trips and student excitement to attend was reported as unexpectedly eager.
The Science of Reading focuses on language comprehension and…